My Story

Hi, my name is Vernon Beckstrom.  From 1985 to 2006, I served in the United States Air Force.  Throughout my career, I prided myself on consistently taking care of myself.   Yes, I ate the occasional chilly cheese dog from Sonic. But, in general, I ate healthy and exercised.  My job in the military kept me very active. Unfortunately, with that, I was exposed to the elements.  I often spent 80 percent of my day outside in the sun, breathing whatever came across Saudi Arabia’s and Kuwait’s deserts along with the jet fuel from aircraft.

For decades, when I had a doctor’s visit requiring a lengthy health questionnaire, I checked off NO on practically everything. Aside from the service-connected disability I received for my back and leg neuropathy, I have had no significant medical issues. It became a big joke with my family that I would quote a line from the Thor movies that I am not of this realm.

In early 2023, I noticed a lump under my chin.  That wasn’t the only thing.  I also felt a very scaly sore on the base of my skull behind my ear.  Of course, not being of this realm, I thought nothing could be wrong with me; I hardly got ill. I played it off, thinking, “It will heal.”

Months went by, and the spot on my skull didn’t heal, and the lump did not go away. At the plea of my wife, I went to the VA hospital.  I found out I am of this realm.   One was Basal Cell Carcinoma and the other was Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.  Two cancers at the same time. Oh, and I got Covid-19 the same week I found all of this out. While we are at it, let’s also mention that during the first CT scan of my head, a mass was detected in my chest. A separate scan followed for my torso, and yup, there is something there. The doctors have no idea what it is, and I’m returning for another CT scan in February.

I would lie if I said all this isn’t slightly overwhelming.  But I remained calm, likely from my consistent two years of readying The Daily Stoic.  I know not everyone handles the news of having cancer the same.  I know everyone’s lives are different.  Some have supporting families like I do, while others do not. Once again, my loving and supportive wife said I should write a blog in the hopes of helping others cope and know they are not alone.

The purpose of this blog is to have an avenue of support.  To educate and inform.  Its purpose is to increase awareness of this type of cancer and to provide avenues to support research in developing a cure.

I hope you will participate and support this worthwhile cause.


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