Book Reviews

The Daily Stoic

I highly recommend this book. I have read this book each day for the last two years. 

This book helps you learn and cope with hardships and conditions, like cancer, outside your control.  It helps you to understand that you can control your mind and your choices in life. 

Click HERE to purchase now!

Be Your Future Self Now

Of all the self-help books have read, and I have read many, this is the one I should have read first. For me, just because I have cancer does not mean I should stop thinking, dreaming, and planning my future.  I still plan to be around when I’m 60,70, 80, and behind. 

This book is helping me rethink the way I see things now.  What are the things I’m wasting my time with now?  What activities are distracting me from becoming who I want to be in 1 year, 5 years, and so on?  Eliminate or minimize those distractions, focus on your passion, and you will have a happy and prosperous life. 

Click HERE to purchase now. 

Lymph & Longevity

This is a book I am currently reading.

The Lymphatic System is a very complex system vital for health, longevity, and fighting viruses, yet many of us know little of it, how it works, and how important it is in our lives.  

Click HERE to purchase.